Clockwork IT Ltd is very aware of the potential threat to staff of the COVID-19 virus. Whilst we have not, to date, published any formal information in the form of a ready-to-refer instructional guide for employees, we have stressed the need to exercise caution.  In particular, we have impressed the need to listen and act on the guidance being given in Government bulletin with, initially, the emphasis on regular hand washing throughout the day prior to any further, more restrictive practices.

In the unfortunate event that one or several of our employees contracts, or are at risk of contracting, the COVID-19 virus, the instruction is to immediately self-isolate and stay at home. This is the best way to prevent contamination given that human-to-human transmission is possible.

Given the infrastructure that we have today, it is much easier to be “business-as-usual” with various platforms, project management and programming tools and other platforms that are available remotely i.e. without the need to attend the office to access. Whilst we are a location-dependent business, we have ensured that all of our employees have the ability to work from home and utilise the remote working tools at our disposal. As a result of this remote working option, we can therefore facilitate the continuation of service to our customers.